Efficient Pools Builder https://efficientpoolsbuilder.com/ Florida's Trusted Custom Pools Builder Sun, 19 May 2024 10:54:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://efficientpoolsbuilder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/cropped-poolbuilder-32x32.png Efficient Pools Builder https://efficientpoolsbuilder.com/ 32 32 Saltwater vs. Chlorine Pools: Choosing the Right Pool Water System https://efficientpoolsbuilder.com/2024/05/19/saltwater-vs-chlorine-pools-pool-water-system/ https://efficientpoolsbuilder.com/2024/05/19/saltwater-vs-chlorine-pools-pool-water-system/#respond Sun, 19 May 2024 04:33:20 +0000 https://efficientpoolsbuilder.com/?p=836 Pools have various components, but what keeps the water clean and safe are its sanitization systems. Two most common pool water sanitization systems are saltwater and chlorine systems. In this article, we will go through the steps of maintaining a pool with a saltwater system and how it differs from a chlorine system.

Definition: Saltwater Pool & Chlorine Pool

A saltwater pool utilizes a salt chlorine generator (SWG) to convert dissolved salt into chlorine, which sanitizes the water. This system produces chlorine through electrolysis, providing a continuous supply of chlorine to keep the pool clean and safe for swimming. Saltwater pools are known for their softer water feel and lower chemical odor compared to traditional chlorine pools.

On the other hand, a chlorine pool relies on the addition of chlorine tablets, granules, or liquid chlorine to sanitize the water. Chlorine pools require regular testing and manual addition of chlorine to maintain proper sanitizer levels. While chlorine pools may require more frequent maintenance, they offer precise control over chlorine levels and are generally less expensive to install initially compared to saltwater systems.

But how do you choose between them? Let’s break down the pros and cons of each and also check out some new advancements in pool technology.

Which one is best for your pool: Saltwater or Chlorinated water?

When it comes to choosing between a saltwater pool and a traditional chlorine pool, there are several factors to consider. From cost and maintenance to environmental impact and bather comfort, each option has its own set of pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at the key differences to help you make an informed decision.

Cost Comparison

One of the first considerations for many homeowners is the cost. On a month-to-month basis, saltwater pools tend to be cheaper because salt and acid are generally less expensive than chlorine tablets. However, in the long run, the costs even out due to the maintenance required for saltwater pool equipment.

Ease of Maintenance

Contrary to popular belief, saltwater pools can actually be a bit trickier to maintain. Saltwater generators produce chlorine but also cause a constant rise in pH and alkalinity, requiring regular additions of muratic acid. Chlorine pools, on the other hand, typically require less frequent adjustments.

Repair Costs

When it comes to repair costs, chlorine pools have the upper hand. While chlorine pool equipment may need occasional replacements, such as tubes or control valves, the repairs are generally less expensive compared to saltwater generators, which often require costly cell or board replacements.

Impact on the Environment

Saltwater pools can be more damaging to metal and natural stone around the pool area. This includes waterfalls and rock accents commonly found in pool designs. However, the damage can be mitigated with regular application of sealant.

Bather Comfort

Saltwater pools are known for providing a more comfortable swimming experience. The softened water is gentler on the hair and skin, making it ideal for those with sensitive skin. This comfort factor can be a significant consideration for some pool owners.

Choosing the Right Equipment

If you decide to go with a saltwater pool, it’s essential to choose the right equipment. Brands like AQUAPURE® SALT CHLORINATOR or IntelliChlor® Salt Chlorine Generator by Pentair are often preferred over others due to their reliability and less repair needs.

Consideration from a Pool Professional

Pool building professionals may have a different perspective on saltwater generators. While they offer improved bather comfort, they can also lead to frequent repair issues, which can be frustrating for both homeowners and pool service providers.

Personal Preference

Both saltwater and chlorine pools require regular maintenance to keep the water balanced and safe for swimming. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preference, budget considerations, and desired maintenance level. Some homeowners may prefer the convenience of a saltwater pool, while others may opt for a traditional chlorine pool with monitored liquid chlorine feeders for precise control over chlorine levels.


Courtesy: www.thespruce.com

Go With The Pool Sanitation System Efficient Builders Trust

At Efficient Pools Builder, our team of pool service and maintenance experts is equipped with the knowledge of effective pool sanitization methods. Trust us to guide you in maintaining clean, safe, and dazzling pool water.


Quick overview of acronyms commonly used for this topic:

  • SWG- Salt Water Generator. The actual salt cell that generates the chlorine by electrolysis of dissolved NaCl.
  • CYA- Cyanuric Acid, aka stabilizer. A compound that’s automatically added in with chlorine tablets that prevents sublimation of chlorine due to UV from the sun. A necessary component to keep a sanitizer residual in the water with SWG’s, but can be a problem if the level is too high.
  • pH- Potential Hydrogen, a measure of the acidity or basality of the water. Probably the most important component of bather comfort as this level being too high or too low causes irritated skin, eyes, and can damage hair. It is corrected by the addition of muratic acid to lower it, or sodium carbonate (soda ash) to raise it.
  • Alk- Alkalinity. To a chemist, this is a wide and complex topic. To a pool boy, it’s a pH buffer that can cause wildly swinging pH readings or ‘lock in’ your pH making it difficult to adjust. It is lowered with muratic acid and raised with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
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